Friday, December 3, 2010

Shopping CART updated / All Website Prices EX VATI was in the store when a kid grabs me and puts me in a thing that look like this.

The kid took me out of the shop and put me on this thing that was moving.  Some other woman picked me up and smashed me against this black thing.  I get put in a grey bag with a milk jug and a big bag of candy.  Then I felt lots of bumping.  Then I got taken out of the bag and I was in a weird room with lots of other people.  There were lots of lights and lots of green things hanging off the ceiling.  Then there was this projection with little lights flying down.  It was a window.  All of a sudden, they start rolling me into little balls and putting me onto a pan.  He was ripping through my soft dough.  And now somebody opens a big thing, shoved me and my other pieces in there.  I was the biggest piece.  It started getting really warm.  THen it got warmer and warmer until I started melting down like a witch.  And then I got really hard. 

A couple minutes later, I got taken out.  And then I looked beside me and the milk jug was being poured.  It said "Help!"  Me and three of my body parts got put beside a glass of milk on a plate.  And I was buring and screaming and the milk screamed because it was getting warm.  Luckily, a dog came in from outside.  He came over and shook his fur and a whole bunch of snow flew off of him.  Some of it landed on me and some of it landed in the milk.  As I looked over, the tree was dying.  They were hanging decorations on it.  And then they put it in a holder and screwed screws into it.  Then they shoved lights on the tree.  After the lights, they hung up these wierd socks.  The socks were three feet long.  Then 15 minutes later, they started shutting off lights.  And it got really really scary when they shut off the lights.  As me and milk were scared, we heard something come down the big long pipe where all the stockings were hung.

And then this big fat man landed.  He had a little bit of soot on his face.  He was dressed completely in red.  His belly jiggles like jelly.  He has a really cool hat with a white bob top.  He has a big white beard.  Then he yelled, "Ho, ho, ho!"  That cookie felt so defendless and the milk was scared. As the fat man walked forward, he picks up the mild.  Then he picks up me.  He dips me in the milk.  I couldn't breathe for a couple of seconds.  And then this cave opened up with white things everywhere.  It was scary.  All of a sudden, he took a big fat chunk right out of my head.  He sets me back down and milk was still up there screaming as he drank half of milk.  The tree started screaming as he shoved presents under the tree. Suddenly, I see him climb up the same way.  Suddenly, I heard a racket on the roof.  And then I saw all these wierd animals flying and one had a glowing nose.  Then I saw this big red slay with Santa sitting in it with a big sack of toys right beside him.  Then I saw him lift up his arm.  He whipped one of the animals in the back.  Then he flew into the moon.  That's the last time I saw him.

Then all of them woke up.  And lots of lights turned on.  They plugged in the Christmas tree again.  As I see three kids and two adults coming down the hallway.  The kids were running as fast as they could.  Then they all sat down.  The parents started handing them wierd boxes.  They all had different shapes.  Then I nearly had a tear when the wrapping paper got ripped to pieces.  It was sad.  It was one wierd day.  I started growing older and older and I got really hard.  The milk went so sour, he looked like yogurt.  Then they threw the rest of me and milk in the garbage but a little bit of milk was left in the glass.  Before I got thrown in, I saw him get thrown in the sink.  And he smashed!  As I was rotting in the garbage can with all these other foods, I got tied up with the food in the bag.  Then I felt lots of bumping, like they were walking.  Then I got dropped on the curb.  A couple minutes later, I felt more bumping.  And then I heard this screech sound.  Then all of us landed on something and the bag got cut open and we all fell out.  We drove, we drove, we drove for a really long time.  Until I saw all these big piles of garbage.  Some of them were being burried.  Then he dumped us all.  Then some of us got burried except me.  Then a day later I got burried too.  A couple days after that, we all got lit on fire.  Some guy threw a match down and we all got burnt.  Everything started lighting on fire.  That was the end of me and everything else.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

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                                                           add a comment to gise woo i im your gisess ar blake or        nico or max or zach. tack a gise    

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I was hafing a grat day cappicg with my friends will wee were actually gust capping in the back yaru

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Thursday, September 16, 2010

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